These Dreams吉他谱( 六线谱)-吉他谱

栏目:吉他曲谱 发布时间:2021-02-13 05:31 浏览次数:

These Dreams吉他谱( 六线谱)-吉他谱该歌谱演奏者为合唱团,歌曲名称为These Dreams,歌谱类型为吉他谱。是世界上通用的一种专为吉他设计的记谱方法。我们在学习吉他,特别是弹唱和指弹时,接触最多的也是它。六线谱的基本结构是由六根间隔相等的线组成,这六根线分别代表吉他上的六根弦,最下面的一条线,代表吉他的第六根弦,注意,是第六,不是第一,这个要反过来理解的,然后依次是由上到下看谱,倒数第二根线代表第五根弦,下面的依次类推。所以,六线谱上最上面一根代表高音E弦,也就是1弦,接下来以此是2弦(B弦)到6弦(低音E弦)。六线谱的读法是从左往右读的

These Dreams吉他谱( 六线谱)-吉他谱

These Dreams吉他谱( 六线谱)-吉他谱

These Dreams吉他谱( 六线谱)-吉他谱


吉他演奏方法主要有四种:一是用手指弹奏,但指甲容易受损 ,故常有人使用假指甲或在指甲上涂上能强化指甲的指甲油, 二是使用弹片(Picks)拨弦,共鸣箱发出音乐。 三是用金属圆管(滑奏吉他,Slide Guitar)演奏。第四种较冷门,是使用一种可带在手指上的指套来演奏。


Once we were lovers but somehow things have changed
Now we're just lonely people tryin' to forget each other's names
Now we're just lonely people tryin' to forget each other's names
What came between us? Maybe we were just too young to know
But now and then I feel the same
And sometimes at night I think, I hear you calling my name
Mmm, these dreams, they keep me going these days
Once we were lovers but that was long ago
We lived together then and now we do not even say hello
We lived together then and now we do not even say hello
What came between us? Maybe we were just too young to know
But now and then I feel the same
And sometimes at night I think I hear you calling my name
Mmm, these dreams, they keep me going these days
What came between us? Maybe we were just too young to know
Now and then I feel the same
And sometimes at night I think I hear you calling my name
Mmm, these dreams, keep me going these dreams